Friday, 21 February 2020

Welcome back to 2020!

Hi Bloggers,
Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2020!
Hope you had an awesome holiday. I definitely did.
Today we had to make a blog post about what we have done in the first 2 weeks of school.

- We have started doing self portraits. Half of it is a photo of ourselves and the other half is what we think we would look like in a different decade, I chose the 1970s.

- We have also been doing lots and lots of swimming. Here is the timetable for my class
* Monday/Tuesday Lunchtime (optional)
* Wednesday after morning tea (compulsory)
* Friday after assembly (compulsory)

I am now in Hauraki which is in the senior school. I am a Year 5
My teachers are Ms Sands and Mrs Hill (student teacher)

I have also done a Getting to know you form.
Click on the photo to get the link.

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