Monday, 30 March 2020

New Zealand Lockdown Challenge

Hi Everyone,
Today I am posting about the NZ Lockdown Challenge. The NZ Lockdown challenge is a game on an app. The app is called Goose Chase. The app has lots of games so when you go to the app click on New Zealand Lockdown Challenge. My family's team name is AKL Hoppers. There are new challenges every day. Also over 200 people are participating!
So if you sign up you are in for a fun lockdown.

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Me in Lockdown

Hi Everyone,
Today we have been asked to make a blog post about what we have been doing during the lockdown. Each day everyone in my house (excluding our pet) Follows this schedule

<9: Breakfast & Free time

9am-10am: Social Call with someone

10am-11am: Creative time

11am-12pm: School Work on devices

12pm-1pm: Lunch & Free time

1pm-2pm: Outside Time (PE if raining)

2pm-3pm: Quiet Time

3pm-3:30pm: Home Helping

3:30pm-4pm: Meeting our neighbor  for afternoon tea

4pm-6pm: Family Activity

6pm-7pm: Dinner and Free time

Thomas to bed at 7pm
Me to bed at 8pm
Jacob to bed at 9pm

What's your schedule?

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Poem Challenge

Hello Everyone,
Last Friday (1-2 weeks ago) we were challenged to decorate a poem with limited resources. It was very fun. We could only use

- White crayons
- 2 other coloured crayons 
- 2 colours of dye
- 1 piece of sugar paper
- 1 piece of embossed paper
 And the poem...
Digging for Pipi!

Here is a picture

Friday, 27 March 2020

Cybersmart Work (Images)

Hello Everyone,
2 weeks ago on Thursday we did some Cybersmart. We were learning about reusing and attributing images. Here are the things we had to do.

- Take our own photo
- Draw our own picture
- Use Explore
- Search online and use ladeled for reuse

Here is the slideshow we used.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Reading Work

Hi Everyone,
As you may have heard school has closed but don't worry I will still be bologging, just from home. Anyway, This week we have to post activities we have done in the last 2 weeks. Here Is one of the things I have done on my chromebook this week.

An Invasion of Yellow Crazies

Click here for link
Tomorrow I will be posting about some Cybersmart Work. Hope you're happy and healthy!

Monday, 23 March 2020

Mental Health messages

Hello everyone,
This week in Te Waka Ako we have been writing positive messages about mental health for a Gumboot Friday message drop. On the 3rd of April the seniors will go around the area and drop cardboard gumboot messages in people's letterboxes. Here are my poems.

Be Kind
Never stop dreaming
Life is great
Believe in yourself
Never give up
Let your dreams come true

You are capable of amazing things
Don't feed you fears
Your feelings are valid
Stay strong, you story isn't over yet
Make your mental health a priority
Life is tough but you are amazing

The sun will rise and so will you
It' okay to not be okay
You make a difference in this world
Don't doubt yourself You can do it
You are the best you

Friday, 20 March 2020

2020 Portraits!

Hello Everyone,
These past 7 weeks we have been working on our self portraits. `First we made a plan wich we drew all of it. Then we colored the decade side.

With our second plan we had half of our face as a photo and the other half was drawn. We had to do a patterned background for our photo.

Then finally, with the final product first we drew the patterns then we painted them. After we glued half of our face we drew the other side on then we added a dye background for that side. Then we added our costume from the other decade then we coloured and the we were finished! Here is a slideshow of my plans and final product. After I finished I felt relieved because it took me sooo long!
 Blog you later!

Friday, 13 March 2020

Pepeha 2020

Hi Bloggers,
This week I have been working on my Pepeha. First we had to write the template, then we created a slideshow. Once we put all the words down we added pictures. Then we could show the teacher so they could check. Today we had a choice of what to blog but I chose my Pepeha. Here is a link to my Template. I will be blogging every Friday.

Pepeha Template

Here is my Pepeha Slideshow