Monday, 27 April 2020

Frog Story Part 3!

Hallo Everyone,
I have now written part 3 of my frog story!
If these frog stories are new to you here is a link to Part 1 & Part 2. Now this time i'm not gonna give you any spoilers but each time I put a new one up they are going to get longer and longer. This time I am going to try an embed the doc onto this post. It should be underneath. Part 4 will come out next week on Wednesday at 3:30pm GMT + 12 (New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) ). By the way this one is quite dramatic.

By the way embedding it did not work. Here's is the link.

Part 3.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel. Part three of your story and you were so right about it being dramatic. You have used super creative and dramatic ideas that make your work so engaging! A suitcase exploding!! What was in the suitcase that made it explode?
    I am so looking forward to reading part four! I'll be back to read it.
    Keep up the excellent work and creative thinking.


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