Friday, 3 September 2021

Overcoming Challenges in Sport Infographic

 Overcoming Challenges in Sport Infographic

Hello bloggers around the world🌏👈, today I am blogging about my Reading Work for the past couple of weeks. We have had a board that had stories and videos about athletes who have overcome challenges. One of the ost famous is Sophie Pascoe. She has even more medals than Lisa Carrington! Anyway after a week of research we had to make either a DLO or something we thought could help someone who has a disability. Then on Monday we had to decide a paralympian to do our DLO on. I did mine on Nicole Murray. Nicole Murray is a para-cyclist. I chose to make a infographic on Piktochart. I made my infographic over the week.  Below is my inforgraphic




  1. Ka pai Daniel. Piktochart looks like a great way of presenting information. I like the way it amplifies the main facts and figures. I can't imagine riding my bike with only one hand it must be very challenging. Can you think of a challenge that you've had to overcome?

    1. Thanks Phil, For my challenge I remeber once I got ran over by a bike and could barley walk for about 10 minutes. Thanks again for the comment.

  2. Hi Daniel,
    What a fabulous presentation! Piktochart was a great choice. The layout and graphics look great and are easy to read. I especially enjoyed the video clip at the end. Nicole Murray had some inspirational words for young athletes.
    Keep up the great work in lockdown. Stay safe in your bubble.
    From Mrs Mackenzie 😎

    1. Thanks Mrs Mackenzie for the wonderful comment. It was really fun to make. Thanks again Mrs Mackenzie.

  3. Awesome work Daniel. You are really staying focused and motivated during this lockdown on your school work. All the work I see you are producing is of very high standard plus you seem to be enjoying doing all the activities. Its a real delight to see such deduction to your learning. Keep up this excellent work. See you Monday at the meeting. Debs

  4. Awesome post Daniel!

    I love your info-graphic, it's so colourful and includes some great facts!
    Nicole sounds like an incredible athlete. Do you have a favourite sport for the Paralympics?
    Keep up the great work :)


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