Friday 27 August 2021

Daffodil Day

 Daffodil Day

Hello bloggers around the world๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‘ˆ, today I am blogging about Daffodil Day. Daffodil Day supports people with cancer. I made a poster and paper daffodil. I also did my school tasks. I did some frations math, some writing and reading and a fitness plan and video. It was all really fun. Below are some photos and a video of my fitness plan. If you want to make your own paper daffodils visit this link.

Poster on the left, flower on the right.

Video of me doing my fitness plan.

Donate today for Daffodil Day at


  1. Hi Daniel. You have been busy with your lockdown school work. Awesome job! It's sad that Daffodil Day is during lockdown but it's thanks to technology that we can still donate electronically. I like the way you have displayed your poster for anyone walking past to see and be reminded about this important cause.
    I enjoyed your PE video. You have put together a good range of activities that work on different parts of your body.
    Keep up the 100% effort Daniel and keep sharing what you've been doing, on your blog.

  2. Thanks for the explanation about why we do Daffodil Day Daniel, your work with your poster and flower to raise awareness of this is great. Nice job adding the link so that others can create a Daffodil too, I wonder what other flowers we could create from using the internet to search for sources of instructions. It might be a way to give our parents/loved ones a bouquet of flowers to cheer them up without having to leave the house! Have a fabulous weekend Daniel.

  3. Awesome post Daniel!
    That's a really good fitness video, especially the dribbling and your shooting skills. It's great to read that you are keeping up with your schoolwork . It was also lovely to see everyone dressed up brightly in yellow for Daffodil day. Your paper daffodils are really good and thank you for sharing the link to them.

    Keep up the fantastic work :)


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